I woke up this morning and came downstairs and fed the cats, fed the birds, and gave salad to Mu-Xi and Lily. Mu and Lil were acting like everything was totally fine and normal.

And then I see it.


There was something running across the cage and hiding behind the hay net… while Mu and Lil were eating salad, innocently.


A baby.

I checked around then pig pen and I found three more in the cozy. We checked around the pen to see if any had escaped or been dragged away by a cat. No evidence to that. Everybody was alive. And one of them looks exactly like her mother.

I built a grate this morning to go over the pig pen in case a fat lard cat decided to jump in an accidentally crushes the baby. Then I went and got breakfast and dropped my car off at a mechanic. After I’d been back home awhile I decided to vacuum the pen. The vacuum scared the babies (duh) and when they scattered, one tried to go behind the hay box and had themselves wedged and half hanging out of the grated wall. The tray in the bottom of the pen isn’t high enough and the babies are small enough to fit through. Ok. I went to Walgreen’s and got folders to build the wall up for the little piggies, but I wasn’t fast enough. When I got home I did a headcount and there were only 3 little piggies in the pig pen, and the cats were swarming around the cage at the floor. I found one of the babies on the floor behind the cage. Still alive (YAY).

While I was cutting the folders to fit around the cage, Tommy decided he wanted to stick his paws in and touch the piggies. Now that the folders are in place, it’s going to be much more difficult for him to reach in, as the “walls” are now over the babies’ heads. Then, my Bubba decided to jump on the top of the grate covering the cage. There is a pretty big dent in it now and I got him off, but I’m frazzled, right?

Dismal got back home from an appointment and went out into the garage and pulled out two beams to place across the pig pen and reinforcements and then placed the grate back on top of it.

It’s all good. For now.