Chai 857 grams
Mu-Xi 996 grams

Chai turned 8 years old with us this month and was not in need of a butt bath today. I’m fairly certain Mu Mu is 3. Between the two of them, I have about $1100 to look forward to. Mu-Xi needs a spay in a year or so before she starts having any issues with cysts. Chai needs $600 when she passes away so that we can have her skeleton articulated like the old dinosaur that she is. I told her former daddy about this plan and he stopped talking to me mid conversation after asking- “why?”.
I would entrust my ancient piggy wig to Skulls Unlimited.

I still love them dearly, and clearly have a fondness for my rodents versus my birds, who are all doing well at ages 4, 3, and 2…and going on 20.